When will this pandemic end?

When will this pandemic end?

This is a wake up call for everyone: it won’t be anytime soon.

We live in a time where “individualism” is king with comments such as “You can’t make me” or “The government can’t force me”.

Everyone has a choice, yes. But what about making the right choice? The way I see it, “anti-vaxxers” are misinformed, selfish and downright childish.

The people that are vaccinated have a 90 to 95% chance of not getting infected, but it is not 100%. That is a risk that I am uncomfortable with. This is a nasty virus that makes you wish you would rather die than suffer with it, and that’s not counting the lingering effects you are left with if you survive it.

The virus keeps mutating and getting stronger because it strives on un-vaccinated people. The latest wave has been named the ‘Un-vaccinated Wave”. I can think of a more appropriate name for it…

And don’t get me started on “Conspiracy theories”. Seriously? Prove it or STFU. I am dumbfounded that people choose to listen to charlatans over doctors and scientists who devoted their lifetime of work on the vaccine.

I hear comments such as “the vaccine hasn’t been tested enough…”

Duh!!! Millions and millions of people have been vaccinated now, including myself and my wife back in June. These people are making an irrational and emotional decision because there is only one logical one to make. We don’t hear news of people dying because they have taken the vaccine, we hear news of people dying because they DIDN’T get vaccinated. These people are not only gambling with their own lives but everyone else’s as well.

People that want to be un-vaccinated have the choice to do so, yes, but they should also hand in their health card. They should be refused being treated for COVID-19 when they show up at the hospital because it could have been prevented but they chose not to. Go home and pray you survive it. Why should everyone suffer a strained health system because of their choice?

I am sick and tired of this pandemic and I am speechless that selfish individualism is continuing to prolong it.

The virus doesn’t care what one person believes, unlike human kind, the virus is without prejudice and it will bite everyone’s ass. Hope you are vaccinated when it does.

The longer people defy vaccination, the longer the pandemic ride will be.

Every Sentence You Type Helps You Wake up Slightly

Every Sentence You Type Helps You Wake up Slightly

That’s why writing is so powerful. Writing helps you think and therefore explore consciousness. There are different levels of consciousness and as you type out the words in your brain, you become more and more awake.
You see your reality when you write about it. Your reality has depth when people give you feedback on your interpretation.
Write to wake up.